Vrksasana Tree pose by Yoga with Paulina Montreal
Vrksasana Tree pose by Yoga with Paulina Montreal

Vrksasana – Tree pose

Discover Balance and Strength with Vrksasana: The Tree Pose In the world of yoga, finding balance both physically and mentally is of utmost importance. One pose that encapsulates this essence is Vrksasana, also known as the Tree Pose. Derived from the Sanskrit words "vrksa" meaning tree and "asana" meaning pose,…

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What is a chakra by Yoga with Paulina Montreal
what is a chakra by Yoga with Paulina Montreal

What is a CHAKRA?

You often hear the word "charka" on the yoga class but it actually is? Read the post and master the definition of chakras and get to know how to experience them in your body.

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Yoga with Paulina Montreal Downward Facing Dog
Yoga with Paulina Montreal Downward Facing Dog

Myths about Yoga

Common myths about YOGA? "Yoga is not for me!", "I'm not stretched!", "Is yoga actually helpful??" โ€“ Do you know how many times such statements appear? Countless! If you happened to say a similar sentence - you've come to the right place! Check below why you should really try yoga. …

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