If you go to a yoga class, you probably hear the word “chakra” a lot. Like: “Feel your heart chakra.” OR “Activate the throat chakra” OR “Open the second chakra” and so on… But hardly any teacher explains what these chakras are and what they do.
That’s why I’ve decided to give you a definition of CHAKRA and explain what it does to your body.

Let’s start with the definition.
Chakra means an energy point or vortex. It’s a place where energy channels connect. In yoga those channels are called Nadi or Meridians in Chinese Medicine. There are hundreds of such them in the human body, but yoga distinguishes 7 main ones located along the spine and spinal cord. Each chakra corresponds in the physical body with a bundle of nerves, glands, elements of the respiratory and digestive systems, and certain mental or emotional aspects.
The Chakra System is structured in such a way that the lower ones are responsible for physical needs. The higher ones, on the other hand, are responsible for aspects of manifestation and dreams. In the middle is the heart chakra – responsible for the connection of the higher and lower aspects. This does not mean that it is the most important chakra. Only the balance of all of them creates a base for a joyful and energetic life.
If your teacher talks about “opening a chakra”, she/ he means balancing its energy. Because it’s not like the chakra can be closed or opened like a bedroom door. So what is this “opening” all about?
Each vortex vibrates at a specific frequency. If at any given point this energy is low, we speak of a “closed” or “blocked” chakra. And in contrary, this energy might in excess and manifests itself completely differently than in the case of no flow. That’s why I like to use the phrase TO BALANCE THE CHAKRA.
In a blocked chakra, the low vibration is dominant. This can cause low emotional states such as depression, anxiety, lack of faith in your abilities, lack of inspiration and closure of feelings for other people. When these low states persist for an extended period, they can even lead to diseases in the physical body.
In a chakra that is dominated by an excess of vibrations – the opposite. You may experience frustration, lack of presence, inability to express yourself, too many thoughts flying around, big emotional outbursts, etc.
Are you understanding the difference?
Remember, your body is a reflection of what’s going on inside you. According to yoga, everything in the world is energy. Your thoughts and emotions affect the physical body and vice versa. Your health issues, states that you fall into are not only the fault of genes or a bad diet. Thoughts, emotions vibrate with a certain frequency. Negative thoughts cause low vibrations, and low states of mind. That’s why sad, frustrated or stressed people are more likely to get sick. On the other hand, pleasant thoughts, positive feelings like love, gratitude, joy improve the vibration. They make us feel better, healthier and attract more wealth into life.
Therefore, it is worth to consider activities that balance your chakras. Like YOGA.
Every year I introduce my students to JOURNEY THROUGH CHAKRAS. Check the new schedule and find a yoga class that will fulfill your needs. In yoga we have 7 main chakras: Muladhara (root), Svadisthana (sacral), Manipura (solar plexus), Anahata (heart) Vishuddha (throat), Ajna (third eye) and Sahasrara (crown).
On Tuesday I invite your for a VINYASA Yoga class – where you work on your chakras during a constant and gracious flow of movement and breath.
Thursday I do GENTLE YOGA & MEDITATION – a very slow class where I mix Hatha Yoga with Restorative or Yin and Meditation. This helps to reduce stress, maintain better focus and improve sleep.
Students of all levels are welcome (also complete beginners).
Hari om om tat sat. Namaste.